A Preacher’s Retreat with Working Preachers Karoline Lewis, Joy J. Moore, and Matt Skinner
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Preaching is difficult and sometimes lonely work. For over fifteen years, Working Preacher has been an online community dedicated to assisting that work, inviting working preachers to enter into deeper conversations with the word of God and to explore the craft of preaching. In Summer 2024, the cohosts of Working Preacher’s long-running podcast Sermon Brainwave will hit the road to lead a conference hosted by Ghost Ranch in New Mexico. Through a program of presentations, panel discussions, lectionary-based Bible study, small-group gatherings, and preaching workshop exercises, preachers will explore and refine their own preaching practices.
Please note: This conference is being generously underwritten by Westminster Presbyterian Church, Minneapolis and all participants in this retreat have already been awarded a 15% off scholarship to make this opportunity as accessible as possible for those who would like to attend. If this is still cost prohibitive for you, please contact Robin Keck at robink@ghostranch.org
What: An in-depth residential preaching workshop in a place of incomparable and inspiring beauty, led by the cohosts of Working Preacher’s Sermon Brainwave podcast: Karoline Lewis, Joy J. Moore, and Matt Skinner.
Who: Preachers from across the church who desire to learn, workshop, discuss,renew, and worship together in a landscape that stimulates contemplation and homiletical inspiration.
Where: Ghost Ranch in the high desert of northern New Mexico; explore the craft of preaching where Georgia O’Keefe painted and in the beauty of the southwest.
When: Monday afternoon through Friday morning, four nights.
July 29-August 2, 2024
Cost: The program fee is $350 per person and lodging and meals are additional costs.
Joy Jittaun Moore
Joy Jittaun Moore, an ordained elder in the United Methodist Church and Professor of Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary, is currently serving as Visiting Professor of Religion at Huntingdon College in Montgomery, Alabama. An “Ecclesial Storyteller,” Dr. Joy seeks to encourage theologically framed, biblically attentive, and socially compelling interpretations of Christian Scripture to understand contemporary community formation. (All that means is she tells community-forming stories from the Bible as a follower of Christ!)
Karoline M. Lewis
Karoline M. Lewis, ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, is the Marbury E. Anderson Chair in Biblical Preaching at Luther Seminary and the Program Director for the Festival of Homiletics. Lewis leads conferences, workshops, and retreats internationally and has authored numerous books on preaching, leadership, women in ministry, and the Gospel of John. You can learn more about Lewis and connect with her at karolinelewis.com
Matt Skinner
Matt Skinner is the Asher O. and Carrie Nasby Professor of New Testament at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul and the Scholar for Adult Education at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis. Ordained in the Presbyterian Church (USA), several of the books he has written lead preachers and laypeople into the theological riches of biblical writings, including Acts: Catching Up with the Spirit and the forthcoming Matthew: The Gospel of Promised Blessings.