Home Service Gun Violence Prevention

Gun Violence Prevention

Aug 22 – 25 2024
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Gun Violence Prevention Training for Clergy and Lay Leaders

 With every event of gun violence, does the Spirit tug at you to do something? Yet what? And how? Or… I’ve been working on this –how do I become more effective? If these questions call to you, the Presbyterian Peace Fellowship invites you –and perhaps others from your church—to attend the inaugural James Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage at Ghost Ranch in Abiquiu, NM on August 22-25, 2024. Honoring the late Presbyterian prophet of gun violence prevention James Atwood, the Institute will offer continuing education for clergy and lay leaders on educational, pastoral and action steps for gun violence prevention mission in the local church.   

Institute leaders to date include: Miranda Viscoli, Co-President of New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, on involving  youth and young adults; Scott Utz and Mike Martin, of RAWTools on Guns to Gardens; Harry Eberts, Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Santa Fe, NM, and Margery Rossi, Pastor of South Presbyterian Church in Dobbs Ferry, NY and Acting Coordinator of the Peace Fellowship’s Gun Violence Prevention Ministry, on preaching on and discussing gun violence prevention effectively; trauma specialist Mebane Boyd and first responders from Presbyterian Disaster Assistance on responding to gun violence-related trauma. Other trainers will focus on congregational education, advocacy, urban gun violence prevention, secure gun storage campaigns and more.

On Thurs. Aug 22 at 7pm MT, internationally-known biblical scholar, Nobel Peace Prize nominee and Catholic priest Father John Dear will open the Institute with a keynote speech on the faith basis for courage to prevent gun violence. Local area churches are invited to the keynote address. The Institute is ecumenical, hands-on and designed for congregations. Bring a team from your church! Find a news story with background info atpresbyterianmission.org/story/james-atwood-institute

Learn more and register at: www.presbypeacefellowship.org/events/james-atwood-institute 

For questions, contact: gvp@presbypeacefellowship.org

To apply for scholarships: christa@presbypeacefellowship.org

Sponsors for the Atwood Institute for Congregational Courage include: First Presbyterian Church of Santa Fe, The Presbyterian Outlook, New Mexicans to Prevent Gun Violence, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Trinity Presbyterian Church of Harrisonburg, VA and others.
