Home Art Senior High Initiative (SHI) – Rocks and Roaming with Robin Keck – G24070311

Senior High Initiative (SHI) – Rocks and Roaming with Robin Keck – G24070311

Jul 14 – 20 2024

For Senior High School Students

Take a journey into the southwest landscape of Ghost Ranch. Learn to hand carve the softer bones of the earth (soapstone and alabaster), hike the rocky trails around the ranch, and listen to what the mesas and arroyos are whispering.
Mornings will mostly be spent with rasps, files and sandpaper in your hand uncovering creations in a stone of your choosing. Evenings will be engaged in activities, swimming, and maybe a movie. In between times we will find time for waterfront and ice cream…
All materials will be provided EXCEPT for a pair of gloves for carving (thin and flexible but sturdy), a water bottle, and of course your own imagination and attention.
Questions can be directed to robink@ghostranch.org

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  • Robin Keck
    Robin Keck

    (Robin Keck discovered Ghost Ranch 30 years ago and has been a participant, instructor, volunteer and administrator here. She is also a wife, mother, friend, alto, picture framer and stone carver. Currently, she is the ranch Experiences Manager and can mostly be found in her office).

